I'm Jacob Samas, based on this beautiful planet 🌍, creating innovative solutions in software development and AI.

Tech fuels my spirit, and coding shapes my world.

I have always been passionate about technology. My initial love was for electronics and machines, leading me to start my journey as a diploma electrical engineer. During my internship, I ventued into PLC programming and automation.

I found a new passion for web development during my B.E. engineering days. It was then that I started learning Python, which opened up a whole new world of possibilities for me.

As I began learning Python, my love for programming grew, and I aspired to become a full-stack developer. To achieve this, I dedicated time to work on personal projects, honing my skills, and expanding my expertise in both front-end and back-end development.

I have discovered a new passion for AI technologies and their APIs, which has opened exciting avenues for integrating intelligent solutions into my projects. This fascination drives me to continuously explore and innovate in the field of AI."